Paul Arlott
It is very important to keep your contact details up-to-date at all times within your web hosting account. They are the primary method for us to contact you.

Are your Web Hosting Details Up-to-Date?

It is very important to keep your contact details up-to-date at all times within your web hosting account. They are the primary method for us to contact you in the event of a problem or emergency, and they are also used to send you your invoices, payment receipts, etc. If you require us to re-send you any information (such as your Account Details e-mail, or an old invoice), we can only send this to your primary e-mail address contained within cPanel or account payment software.

Problems if you don't keep your web hosting details up-to-date:

  • Accounts are electronically issued via email. If you don't recieved your account and you don't pay it on time, your website hosting can be suspended. Having a suspended website can cause your website to derank in search engines.
  • Occassionally we may have server maintenance. If you aren't following one of our social networks, then you won't recieved notification if we have derelic email address.
  • If you allow your software to become out-of-date & cause yourself to get hacked, you could cause other account holders on that server to experience problems. If we can't contact you, we have to deactivate your account.
  • If we get an abuse or take-down notice against your website, and can't get a response from you, we have to suspended the website, even if it's a minor infraction.


How do you up-date your details in our Billing System?

If you have an account in our Automated Billing System, then follow these instructions. If you don't have an account in the Automated Billing System, send us your current details via our contact form & will enter you into our new accounts system.

  1. Log into "Manage Account" in our Client Portal
  2. On the right hand top bar, click on the link that says "Welcome..."
  3. Go to "Edit Profile"

It's that easy!

If you have any problems updating your details, Contact Us

Paul Arlott