Paul Arlott
fusionCSS is a lightweight CSS framework that follows Googles material design guidelines. Built in LESS to make it easy to extend and customise.

fusionCSS - a CSS3/HTML5 Framework

CSS frameworks have grown in popularity, enabling developers to rapidly prototype designs. fusionCSS is a lightweight CSS framework that follows Googles material design guidelines. Built in LESS to make it easy to extend and customise, fusionCSS was designed for the needs of clearFusionCMS.

Built on a familiar 12 column fluid grid, so you don't have to spend time learning something completely new. fusionCSS is a simple responsive HTML5 and CSS toolkit supporting nested grids. You can use fusionCSS to rapidly prototype and build responsive web pages and apps that work across a wide range of devices. The CSS framework has been created with minimal styling to avoid bloat & keep it simple so that you can have your first layout up in no time.

Designed to be simple and minimalist so that you don't have to spend time overriding a lot of default styling. fusionCSS scales your websites and applications with a single code base, to be compatible with a range of devices from phones to tablets to desktops. The purpose of CSS Frameworks is to do all the grunt of repetitive tasks on webpages, providing you faster results, & letting you get to the interesting stuff as quickly and efficiently as possible.

The key features of fusionCSS are:

  • Nestable fluid grid system
  • Works on virtually anything
  • Built with LESS
  • Minimal, fusionCSS doesn't try to do design for you
  • Native support for fusionCSS in fusionLib and clearFusionCMS

fusionCSS is an open-source project and 100% free for both private and commercial use.


Try it NOW!

Make web design easy by trying fusionCSS out for yourself.

Paul Arlott